The Myth of Difficulty

                When confronting a task, it is common for people to describe it as “difficult,” or “hard.” While superficially valid, these labels do little to move us toward completion. In fact, they may lead us in the wrong direction. Let’s re-examine our concept of “difficulty.”

Working With Difficult People

                After the last post about rehearsals, I got a message from a former student about his experiences with what we will classify as a “difficult person.” Most of the ideas we discussed there are about what we can do to be professional, but not about what to…

How to Have a Good Rehearsal

                  Over the years, I have gathered some ideas about rehearsal etiquette. I know I have messed some of these up, especially as a young, excitable musician. These ideas apply to every style of music, from orchestra to rock bands. (I have done both) Some of these…

Dealing with Disappointment

                    The following is an essay about dealing with career setbacks, based on my  own experiences. As I continue to learn about the artist’s journey, I will share my discoveries and thoughts with you.