You Don’t Need Magic to Succeed

                  There are thousands of books and videos on how “positive thinking” can create success, or how “visualizing” your goals will make them come true. Is there a “secret” to this? If you just believe hard enough, will the universe re-arrange itself to make you happy? Let’s explore…

How are Grammy Awards Chosen? Part I

                        Every year, people watch the Grammy Awards and wonder about the process, and how certain artists win, some over and over. In the process of submitting my material to this competition, I learned a lot about how this and other merit-based awards are…

Negotiation Part III: How They Steal Your Gig

                We have discussed how clients can use negotiation tricks to put you at a disadvantage, and how you need to prepare yourself with rates and prices, but we also need to discuss how your fellow musician can undermine the market. There is a class of individuals in…

Negotiation part II: How to Set Your Rates

                Last time, we discussed the pitfalls we encounter negotiating with clients. We also need to talk about how to quote “standard” rates for what you do. While I wish I could just put up a chart, this is a complex subject, and varies with location, experience and…

15 Dirty Negotiation Tricks and How to Avoid Them

                Here is part 1 of a two-part series on setting rates and getting properly compensated on your gigs and sessions. Today, we will discuss 15 of the nasty tactics some clients will try to get your rates down or take advantage of your time and skill.

Dealing with Disappointment

                    The following is an essay about dealing with career setbacks, based on my  own experiences. As I continue to learn about the artist’s journey, I will share my discoveries and thoughts with you.