Arranging Composition General Music Improvisation Piano/Keyboard Recording

Excerpts from my upcoming CD “Fromage”

Here are four short excerpts from my upcoming CD “Fromage.” It is comprised of jazz arrangements of songs usually considered too “cheesy” to be considered “standards.”

The musicians: Piano/arranger: Randy Hoexter Bass: Jimmy Haslip Drums: Tom Knight/Dave Weckl Guitar: Trey Wright Saxophones, flute, bass clarinet: Sam Skelton Trumpet: Mike Barry Trumpet/Flugelhorn: Gordon Vernick Trombone: Eric Alexander Congas, Djembe, Cajon: Kit Chatham Triangle, Shaker: Eric Sanders

See if you can identify these gems of 70s AM pop radio!

Song 1 by randyhoexter


Song 2 by randyhoexter


Song 3 by randyhoexter


Song 4 by randyhoexter


  1. Randy has a way of taking any song – even cheesy pop tunes – and transforming them into complex works of art and substance with a timeless quality that will endure much longer than the original versions!

  2. Randy…really genius how you have masked these tunes to make them your own. I want them for MOJA Radio. Send me a copy! Write me at my personal email and I’ll give you my address or you can tell me how to download when you’re ready to have them played on the air.

    With the new Tom Grose stuff and now your new music the Atlanta MOJA (MOdern JAzz) scene is as strong as ever!

    Russ Davis

  3. hey randy hoexter! Number 2 Hmmmm I like that very much /
    good driving music -) but what is the name of that tune?
    the reharm is great of course, but what’s the cheezy tune~ that you have so artfully reconstructed. Haunting simply haunting

  4. Randy, Great work! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I Got Love in my Tummy (#4) – No doubt you scraped the very bottom of the cheese barrel and came out with a true gem. Well done. LB

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