Bad Digital Keyboard Actions (Why does it hurt when I play?)

Ever wonder why some keyboards are harder to play than others, or why your hands hurt after a gig on certain keyboards? In this article, we are going to look at certain design elements that make some keyboards hard to play. I tested a selection of keyboards available to me as a cross-section. Many musicians…

The Three Elements of Practice Part II

Reinforcement Last time we discussed repetition, the act of playing the same passage over and over in a short time-span. In this article, we will discuss the second element in successful practice. As we learned in part 1, repetition is effective for a limited time; after this short period, continuing to repeat can waste time…

The Three Elements of Practice Part I

Practicing is a personal activity; no two people are the same, and this also goes for practice. However, there are some fundamental forces that are part of the learning experience for all of us. Learning to use and balance these processes will lead to successful and efficient use of our precious time. In this series, we…

Practicing Independence on Keyboard

One of the biggest challenges of keyboard technique is independence between the hands. This is especially true if there is any improvisation involved, since this prevents us from memorizing a passage by rote. Myths and Misinformation There are some misconceptions about independence that can prevent us from succeeding in our goals; moving beyond them can…