The Myth of “Free Time”

                      “I can’t wait for a day off…” Ever find yourself saying this? I know I do, and it seems like it’s going to be blissful. I will finally get to relax, renew, clear my mind and be rested up for the next busy phase…

The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be

Preconception: an opinion about something that you form before you have a lot of information about it or experience of it   -Macmillan Dictionary We spend a great amount of time believing, talking about, and even trying to convince others about ideas that we really haven’t explored for ourselves. One of the most important of…

A Little Nudge

                    The uses of positive feedback Most of us sincerely want to grow and change for the better, but often find ourselves frustrated and stagnant in our habits. Let’s take a look at how the mechanism of positive feedback can benefit us, getting us moving in…